About Me

maker, creative, living lightly, local, craft, minimalism, and taking joy in the small things

Friday, 9 May 2008

They love me... they really love me

I have schools that tell me to go home or hide in the kitchen if there are guests, parents, or postmen expected! If there is a surprise ambush by a courier then they hurry me into the cupboard under the stairs, or close the door of my classroom! Now, this isn't at every school I teach at, but it happens often enough to make me realise that I am a scary foreign alien!

So when the Mishima JHS English Teacher started telling me about a special class in June, to which parents and other teachers are invited to attend, I was expecting her to tell me that she needed to cancel my visit for that day. Imagine my surprise when she said she would write up a plan for the lesson and send it to me, for my suggestions, so we could run the lesson easily! That's right - she wants me to TEACH in the open lesson. Whoa! I asked her if she was sure, and she said yes, she thinks it is important for the other teachers/parents to see a proper English class with me!

Actually, down at the Elementary School they have a noticeboard for the parents/community, and on the board are the dates that I will visit! Actually acknowledging my existence...

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